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It has been another year of fluctuations for library business with changes in some major metropolitan areas adding to this.

Northern Region
Polokwane have opened their systems for purchases. There is no tender in place but there are preferred suppliers.
City of Tshwane have advertised their new tender. There is no confirmation on who was awarded the new tender. There has been a change in the Senior Management as the Director for libraries Mr Mogora retired earlier this year. What the changes will be at this library service remains to be seen.
Ekurhuleni has a tender still in operation although I am certain a new tender will be advertised this year when the current one comes to an end.
The City of Johannesburg has a current and operational tender. The last tender was cancelled mid way through its period and a new tender advertised. Initially the understanding was that the tender was to complete the cycle but it appears it is valid for a full three years. City of Johannesburg has a big budget taking into consideration that they have several Donors, grants in addition to the normal City & provincial budgets.
Mogalakwena utilize the quotation system and do not have a tender in place.
Mogale City had their first exhibition in July. It seems they have several new libraries that are being built. They have reduced the delivery time by a week which does provide its challenges due to our own cash flow constraints.
North West Province held a selection meeting in June. Some orders have come out. They are currently facing a challenge as the Premier has annexed their building for use. The department has moved to several buildings. I am waiting to hear when they will be resuming their buying.
Limpopo Province are busy purchasing on the tender awarded two years ago. We are waiting to hear when their next tender will be advertised. They have also experienced a change to their senior management with several of their directors and managers being moved or retired.
Bloemfontein Libraries have re-advertised their tender.

Southern Region
Western Cape Provincial Libraries continues on its approval system. Four Hundred books a month
The City Library has a tender awarded for special projects. It is a three year contract.
Northern Cape tender was advertised and is under consideration.
Free State Provincial Library ServiceS are asking for quotations from all potential suppliers. They have moved, again, from the rather short sighted ‘local vendors’ only to allowing outside vendors to quote. This should ensure they get the service they deserve.

Eastern Region
Eastern Cape Provincial Library Services required us to apply as a potential vendor. They are considering the submissions. It appears they are to return to the exhibition roadshow format for buying.
Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality tender has been awarded to preferred suppliers.
Education, Library and technology Services (ELITS) have had a few rumblings but not much has come out of it in the past.
KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Library Services discarded the approval meeting schedule and have made it an ad hoc basis. This is a concern.
eThekwini Municipality Libraries tender expires this year and a new tender will be advertised. They are thinking of changing the format of the tender. Details to be announced.
Mpumalanga Provincial Library Services has an ongoing three year tender.

Richard Hargraves
SA Booksellers Library Chairperson

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