You are Invited to the South African Book Awards – 2023 to be hosted online on Tuesday, 3 October @ 12pm (South African Time). These annual Book Awards recognize books that are popular with Booksellers and the public, and celebrate the creativity and skills of Authors, Publishers, and their support teams, who came together in the past year to entertain, educate, and inform us. South Africa has a rich literary history, including 2 Nobel prizes for Literature. We encourage everyone to read more, support our Authors and Publishers, and buy these and and books from their local Bookstores. After a process of selection and voting the following have been shortlisted in the 4 categories below: Fiction > Doolhof by Rudie […]
Read moreThe South African Booksellers Association would like to congratulate Ugan Poobalan, and the Van Schaik Team on his appointment as Managing Director of Van Schaik Bookstores. Ugan has a long history in bookselling starting with Juta Bookstores, and with over 18 years at Van Schaik Bookstore, he has a wealth of experience in the industry and the Academic Bookselling sector. Van Schaik Bookstores have been long standing members and their team have been active participants in the SA Booksellers Association. The Association looks forward to continue working with Ugan and his team to promote Academic Bookselling, Bookselling, a Culture of Reading and furthering Education in South Africa. We would also like to convey our best wishes to Stephan Erasmus the […]
Read moreTan Twan Eng splits his time between Malaysia and South Africa. He came to SA to study for a Master’s degree in law at the University of Cape Town. South Africa has a long and rich literary history. We need to protect and preserve it. The Copyright Amendment Bill threatens authors livelihoods by removing protections and placing minimal consequences for those who steal their intellectual and creative property. Copyright Infringement is not a victimless crime. It is not the paper and ink you are paying for, but the “10 years” it takes to research, write, review, edit, and the lifetime before that developing the skills and art to tell a story in words. ‘Books need time’: Tan Twan Eng’s new […]
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Lets celebrate our Freedom reading about those heroes who sacrificed for it.Visit your Local Bookstore on Online Bookstore for their Biographies.
Read moreThe South African Booksellers Association would like to extend its condolences on the passing of Mr Hargraves to his wife Maureen, son Richard and the Hargraves family. The Hargraves have been actively involved in book selling, the Association and specifically the Library Sector for many decades. At this time we wish the family, their friends and the team at Hargraves Library Services peace, forbearance and patience.
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We report back on the SABA Annual conference, and offer some insights into the impact of Covid-19 on education and the Work From Home phenomenon. Download a copy
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Celebrating its 20th Anniversary, the winners of this year’s SA Book Awards were announced on 1 October as part of a special virtual Ceremony hosted by SABA, sponsored by Nielsen Book and supported by PASA. Over the last 20 years the awards have recognised books written and published in South Africa, as voted for by South African booksellers, and recent winners have included Sam Beckbessinger, Jacques Pauw and Sally Andrew.
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This year a record number of booksellers voted for their favourite titles, in three categories, from a shortlist of bestselling titles published in South Africa and written by South African authors, as measured by Nielsen BookScan South Africa in 2019.
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Shortlist for SA Book Awards 2020 – Adult Fiction Title: Death on the Limpopo by Sally Andrew Sex, lies & Stellenbosch by Eva Mazza Zulus of New York by Zakes Mda Bare by Jackie Phamotse The Adult Fiction prize was won by Jackie Phamotse, a self-published author, for her book Bare: The Cradle of the Hockey Club. Jackie described winning the award as an honour, thanking everyone who has supported her over the years.
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Shortlist for SA Book Awards 2020 – Adult Non-Fiction Title:Dit proe soos huis by Herman LensingGangster State: Unravelling Ace Magashule’s web of capture by Pieter-Louis MyburghBetting on a Darkie by Mteto NyatiStellenbosch Mafia by Pieter Du Toit The Adult Non-Fiction prize was won by Pieter du Toit for Stellenbosch Mafia. Pieter thanked the booksellers and book dealers for all their hard work ensuring that books are available to the South African public, also praising them for continuing to encourage reading and the pursuit of writing.
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Shortlist for SA Book Awards 2020 – Children’s Title (Fiction and Non-Fiction): Die Groot Jaco Jacobs Storieboek by Jaco Jacobs Zackie Mostert by Jaco Jacobs Yes Yanga! by Refiloe Moahloli Born a Crime by Trevor Noah The Children’s prize was won by previous winner Trevor Noah for the child adaptation of Born a Crime. On accepting his award Trevor said: “Writing a book was a very scary experience but turning the book into a book specifically for kids was even more scary because children have a very short attention span if your book is boring!” He went on to thank all the kids who read the book, the parents who read the book with their children and the teachers who […]
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The 2020 SABA Annual Conference was held on 1 October 2020. The Sector heads presented their reports at this virtual conference. Highlights from these reports are included here and give an insight as to how SABA Exco is continually tackling issues important to SABA members and the bookselling industry in general.
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The Academic Sector Mohamed Kharwa 2020 the year Covid-19 made us shift in the way people learn – from online learning, e-learning to distance learning – while campuses were closed under lockdown. We have had to shift in the way we do business factoring in the use of hand santitiser, sterilisation, social distancing and masks as well as reduced staff. The country has been in economic decline before this but now, recession combined with issues around Covid-19 will make education a key target for reduced funding. Additionally, income from taxation has been eroded, putting the economy under even greater stress. The decision to allow NSFAS students to cash out their allowances for learning material was raised at last year’s conference, […]
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The Library Sector Vic Lopich The library situation nationally is somewhat unclear but there are funds allocated to library services. The Conditional Grant has been reduced from R 1.48 billion to R1.17 billion. Provincial and municipal apportionment towards library purchase will be decided at a later time. In general libraries are struggling with creating protocols that enable them to open and begin servicing their communities but the situation continues to unfold. Provincial libraries in the Free State, Gauteng, Northwest and Limpopo and the Mangaung, eThekwini and City of Joburg libraries are closed. Some Provincial, Municipal and University libraries that are closed have been responsive to emails as staff are working from home. There have been several libraries making enquiries regarding […]
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The Digital Sector Melvin Kaabwe When lockdown restrictions were eased after SABA engagements with Government, fewer customers flocked to Bookstores than to Liquor retailers! Strange times indeed! Online sales of physical books are continuing to grow but less rapidly, and likely peaked in August. The sale of e-books was higher than usual across Academic and General by ±20%. Some publishers offered materials for free as a social response to the pandemic. Smaller stores and independents adjusted their websites for e-commerce and acquired social media shopping carts for acquiring orders and as payment gateways and they used local courier services or even their own cars to deliver putting further pressure on their margins. Exclusive Books’ delivery was through UberEats reflecting that […]
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The Trade SectorGrattan Kirk The South African reading population is both ageing and reducing. However, there are opportunities for local authors and exciting prospects in new emerging market readers including children. Covid-19 has had a massively negative impact on the general trade. The estimated General Trade book market (excluding study guides and dictionaries etc) is R1 billion down 23% from R1.3 billion in 2019, while the total book market is estimated to be R1.2 billion (R1.6 billion in 2019). SABA’s intervention (in particular SABA President Melvin Kaabwe) with Government in reopening book stores gave a much-needed lifeline, and inadvertently “expanded” the definition of what an “educational” book was! The major disruption to the supplier chain from publishers during lockdown was […]
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The Education SectorHentie Gericke The academic year won’t push into 2021. The school year for grades R to 11 will complete on 15 December 2020 with a short break between 26 and 30 October. The new terms are Term 3: 24 August – 23 October and Term 4: 2 November – 15 December. Matric exams will also be concluded by 15 December, the department said, with marking expected to be done by 22 January 2021, and the results released on 23 February 2021. The new school year will commence on 25 January 2021 for teachers – and for pupils a few days later. In the Eastern Cape, Mary Bothma reports: “Schools with own funding are requesting quotations for budget purposes […]
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Please join the 2020 SABA virtual conference and AGM – follow the link to the programme here and the link to register here.
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